Saturday, October 15, 2016

Don't Ignore What You Need!

We all have something that we need, but we deny ourselves that need because it might destroy what we hold close or guard ourselves from.  There are things that we need to address, and it is to our detriment if we continually deny it.  God will continue to burden you until you see your need.  He might even use others to get your attention.  God never intended us to deal with the trials we face, alone.  He is always a prayer away.  He is that close.  So we can cry out to Him and He will listen.  At times it might not seem like He is there, but He is omnipresent.  He is able to address everyone's need and make a personal connection with every single one of our issues.  It is difficult for us to let go of those issues, because then we have nothing that we can use against the other person involved in the hurt.  We cannot continue to ignore the obvious need that we have. 

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." -2 Timothy 1:7

It is essential that we acknowledge that we have things internally that prevent us from changing.  We need to bring those things to light that we hide away or ignore.  The longer we hold onto those issues, the farther we are from the healing that we need. Give God everything to God.  

Saturday, October 8, 2016

What Is Important To You?

The question that we (I) need to ask ourselves is what is important to us?  It is the question of priorities.  It is determining where your priorities lie.  When it comes to your marriage, it is making your spouse a priority.  We (I) have become complacent and passive in our (my) approach to our (my) marriage(s). This priority is very important, because it takes a daily conscious effort to do so. Another priority that takes time and care is the family (kids). Before these two priorities, there is the priority of spending time alone with God.  This is one of the most difficult priority to make time for in the midst of a busy schedule, but it needs to happen.  That time we spend with God influences how we interact with our wives and our families.  If we ignore that priority, not only do we suffer, but so do our wives and our kids. 

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." -Philippians 2:3

When we are prioritizing we need to focus on those priorities.  In that process, that means we look out for what is important to those involved in that priority.  When we concern ourselves with our concerns, we ignore the ones that we have made a priority.  I myself have struggled with selfishness and self-centeredness, and that has had a profound negative effect on those I have interacted with. I have had to ask God for help to sacrifice the selfishness on a daily basis. 

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another." -Romans 14:19

When we interact with people, whether it be family or friends, we need to do it peaceably and with the intent to edify the people that we are interacting with.  Be careful to think before you speak, because if you are wrong, your words can be hurtful.  I have had a bad habit of doing this too often, and I need work on thinking about my words before I utter them.  If there is something important to be said, prayerfully consider it.  I cannot say this enough, be careful of how you speak to people.

So whatever or whoever is important to you, please invest that time wisely and thoughtfully.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Where Does Your Devotion Lie?

We all devote ourselves to someone or something. That means putting everything that you have into that person or passion.  The question that we have to ask ourselves is, are we actually doing that?  We can claim that and be totally oblivious to the fact that we are doing the total opposite.  God requires our devotion to Him, and yet we are not willing to give Him everything. He wants our family, friends, finances, and our free will. 

When we put Him first, He is able to be glorified in our other relationships. We have gotten so off-track, because we have devoted ourselves to things (video games, television, fame, etc.) that are not worth it.  I am an offender and so are many others.  We have lost our focus on what God has blessed us with, because they are there waiting to be loved and cared for.  If we desire to restore the relationship with God; all we have to do is turn around and run back to His arms that are open and waiting to receive us unto Himself again.  We cannot ignore what God has created us to do.  We also cannot ignore what God has blessed us with.

So for those of us that have forgotten where our devotion lies, let us redirect our focus back to the One that saved us. Once we have directed our devotion back toward God; He will work to restore us.